Get into it

Random web pages about Spain from the blog mistress:

Can the moms just go to Barcelona at the same time?

Salsa in the City slide show

In case you had a few too many margaritas while dancing the night away to recognize your child…or just couldn’t make the bash, here’s our wonderful students looking and acting rather grown up.  Put together by the amazing Kathrena Hallsinger, it’s just puts a smile on your face to see how much these kids have grown in just 3 years!  Enjoy!


Cinderella, Prince Charming is waiting for you at Grand and Benedict’s…

and this time he has BOTH of your slippers!

Some wonderful lady (Cinderella?) must have had some cold (but comfortable?) feet upon arriving home on Saturday night!  At any rate, your shoes, pictured here, await you….please feel free to stop by Grand and Benedict’s to pick them at during normal business hours.


Jill & Conrad and the rest of the Sunday morning clean up crew want you to have them for your next Salsa event!